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Do you want to teach a Dual Credit class in your high school for NIC?

With the expansion of the dual credit program into the high school, there was a need to develop a method to produce accreditation evidence, ensure college rigor, and incorporate the high school in instructor into NIC faculty divisions. In collaboration with NIC Division Chairs, the Dual Credit Office developed a stream-lined process to on board instructors. Potential dual credit instructors are interviewed based upon division practices and standards (see Requirements [PDF]). NIC assigns a NIC faculty member to each dual credit instructor as a mentor.

If you would like to teach a college-level class to high school students for NIC, please submit the following:

  • Applicant cover letter specifying unique qualifications that may not be on the application form as well as the course desired to teach
  • Letter of endorsement from your high principal
  • NIC Non-Employee Info Form [PDF]
  • Transcripts (unofficial is acceptable)

Preferred method of submission is a PDF file emailed to dualcredit@nic.edu
Hard copy may be mailed to:

Dual Credit Office
Attn: Marcy Hoggatt, Dual Credit Coordinator
Lee/Kildow Hall, Room 126
1000 W. Garden Avenue
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814

Following a review of the applicant, the Dual Credit Office will forward the information to the appropriate division chair.

Instructors hired to teach in the fall/spring will be invited to attend a new instructor workshop held on campus. This workshop will prepare the new instructor to teach in the high schools for NIC.

In the fall of 2012, NIC’s Dual Credit program fully adopted the national standards from the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP), , for the expansion into the high schools to ensure college rigor for courses held in the high school. The Idaho Department of 欧美性爱片 guidelines are modeled on NACEP standards. These standards and guidelines provide the framework NIC now uses to monitor curriculum, faculty, students, assessment and program evaluation components for the Dual Credit program, particularly those courses offered in the high schools.