To succeed in the dual credit program, your student should have good study skills, self-discipline, and motivation. They’ll need the maturity and initiative to attend class and participate at the same level as regular college students.
Dual Credit Benefits:
- Saving money for a college class by paying a reduced tuition of $75.00 per credit as a dual credit student.
- Completing most of the first year of college by the end of high school if your student begins dual credit their junior year.
- Convenience of taking a class on the high school campus.
- Experiencing what college is like. This can help make the transition from home to college easier as well as provide information for future educational decisions.
- A wider selection of electives.
- Participating in a college atmosphere may help your student excel in learning.
Talk to your student’s high school counselor, as well as our Dual Credit Program office about whether dual credit is a good match for your son or daughter. Please remember that as a dual credit student is considered a regular college student responsible for their education. Take into consideration the maturity level of your student.
Information You May Want to Know
Home School Students are welcome to participate in the dual credit program. 10% of our dual credit students are homeschoolers. 欧美性爱片 the Dual Credit Office for more information or an advising appointment.
- 欧美性爱片 offers many challenging classes, all taught at a faster pace than high school classes.
- NIC classes typically cover as much material in one semester as most high school classes cover in one year.
- Often, classes require up to two hours of out-of-class study, per course credit, per week.
- All Dual Credit grades become part of your permanent college transcript.
- Your student is also responsible for completing all high school graduation requirements.
- Your student will have the opportunity to earn an associate’s degree and high school diploma at the same time.
- Generally, the college credits your student earns will transfer to all other Idaho state public colleges and universities, according to the guidelines of those institutions. To be sure the courses you take will transfer, work with your advisor at NIC and the next institution you plan to attend.
Idaho State Department of 欧美性爱片 - Office of Advanced Opportunities
The Fast Forward program provides every student attending an Idaho public school an allocation of $4,125.00 to use towards Advanced Opportunities in grades 7-12. The program was expanded by the Legislature in 2016 through the passing of House Bill 458. The fund can be used for:
Dual Credits
Dual credits are courses taken by high school students that are transcribed on their high school and college transcripts. Through dual credit, students enroll in NIC college-level classes at a significantly reduced tuition rate.
The Advanced Opportunities program can pay the cost of $75.00/credit. However, students are responsible for the cost of lab and other fees, books, supplies, non-course related fees, and transportation to and from college. These fees can be paid through your student’s MyNIC account (Student Menu, Student Accounts, View Account and Make Payments). Traditional federal financial aid is not available for dual credit students.
NIC also requires parking permits for parking on campus. Parking permits for the academic year are available for purchase online only. Please review Parking Rules and Regulations at before parking on campus.
- All parking passes are available online only.
- There is a $1.00 convenience fee for permit purchases.
- Permits are mailed in 1-3 business days to the mailing address you provide, meaning it could take several days to get to you. Please plan accordingly.
- For more information visit
Dual Credit courses can be taken face-to-face, online (internet), by virtual conferencing, or in some high schools.
Students can utilize Advanced Opportunities funds to pay for a variety of college-credit bearing or professional technical exams. These include Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), or Career Technical 欧美性爱片 (CTE) exams.
Overload Courses
An overload course is a high school level course that is taken in excess of the student’s regular school day. These courses are offered online, during the summertime, and after school. In the event that student incurs a cost for such courses, the Advanced Opportunities program can pay up to $225.00 for the cost of the course. Overload courses must be above and beyond the full course load offered by the student’s local school.
Parents can save hundreds of dollars in tuition by their students moving ahead with completing high school requirements early and when your student is 16 years old, by starting college early through dual credit!
An Advanced Opportunities Participation Form allows students to participate in the Advanced Opportunities program through the Idaho State Department of 欧美性爱片 as authorized by Idaho Code 33, Chapter 46: Advanced Opportunities. By signing this form, the student and parent/guardian agree to the conditions and provisions of the program. The participation form needs to be signed and sent to your participating high school counselor and will be retained by the student’s school district.
The Idaho State Department of 欧美性爱片 Advanced Opportunities website link:
Portal registration instructions are as follows:
Registration is a two-part process.
Step 1: The student must create an account with the State Department of 欧美性爱片.
- Go to
- Choose “Apply for Advanced Opportunities” (blue button in the middle of the page)
- Select “Create an Account” in the top right corner
- Fill in all the information (if you don’t know your EDUID, leave it blank)
- Choose “Enroll New Student” to submit
- Verify the account, using the confirmation email sent to the student. (Sometimes these go to student spam folders. If they aren’t received instantly, there is a problem.)
From here, your school will verify your account. Once this is done, you may sign up for funding.
Step 2: Sign up for course or exam funding, once you know the account is active.
- Go to and login
- Choose “Student Landing” in the top left corner
- Apply for funding
- Choose Exam or Course
- Register the information for that course/exam
- Most courses or exams are available in a drop down menu. If you don’t see your course or exam, contact your counselor. He or she may need to enter the course for you.
- Choose Advanced Opportunities
- Submit your registration
Click on Admission Steps on either the Dual Credit homepage or the Technical Dual Credit homepage. For more information call the Office of Advanced Opportunities (Dual Credit and Career Technical Programs)
- Dual Credit Authorization Form (DCAF) was not submitted or received.
- If a student applies to take classes but does not attend a semester, the student’s account goes dormant or inactive. The account must be re-activated before registration can occur. To reactivate their account, the student must re-apply as a Dual Credit High School Student - . It takes about 10 minutes. Within a few days, a registration time will be generated.
- Placement Assessment scores may not satisfy requirements for class.
- Outstanding tuition or fees on Student Account from previous semester.
- Academic Probation or Suspension - Call our office 625-2329!
- High School prerequisite class may overlap NIC class between semesters.
- If you have taken college classes other than NIC, NIC needs an official transcript from that college (not the high school) to verify the course and grade. You may need to do this if a prerequisite course is needed prior to registering for an NIC class.
Dual credit can open new and exciting frontiers in your student's academic, social, and personal life while they continue to participate in high school sports, music, clubs, or other extracurricular activities.
As a college student, your student is expected to conduct themselves as a responsible adult. This includes, but is not limited to, attending class, seeking academic help, and addressing any problems they may have directly with their instructors. It is also important for parents to realize that college classes may cover a wide variety of sensitive subjects, including sex, violence, and religion. Remember, dual credit is a college program.
欧美性爱片 is required by law to inform students of the Family 欧美性爱片al Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which involves keeping student records confidential. Without a student’s written permission, NIC will not share student records with anyone but the student and appropriate college and high school representatives. Students who wish to share information with their parents must complete a release form. Parents cannot contact instructors or advisors on a student's behalf. College instructors are not informed of a student's age or enrollment status. Further information is available from the Registrar’s Office at (208) 769-3320.
欧美性爱片 our office for individual Dual Credit or Career Technical 欧美性爱片 advising appointments (208) 625-2329.