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Late Start Courses and Disbursement


To receive a disbursement from loans, you must be actively attending six or more credits. Typically, you will receive a disbursement (residual funds left over after all tuition and fees are paid for) one to two weeks from the time you begin attendance in six credits.


Tommy enrolls in a total of six credits. At the beginning of the semester, he attends three of his six credits. Later in the semester, he begins to attend his other three-credit class. He receives a disbursement one to two weeks after starting the course.

Pell Grants

Pell Grants are awarded in quarter increments — less than half-time (one to five credits), half-time (six to eight credits), three-quarter time (nine to 11 credits) and full-time (12+ credits). That means that if you haven't started all your classes by the posted disbursement dates, a portion of your Pell Grant may be delayed. Typically, when you begin attending your late start course you will receive a disbursement one to two weeks from the course start date. Receiving an additional disbursement is contingent upon your total number of credits increasing by a whole quarter increment.

Your Pell grant amount will be determined by the number of credits in which you are enrolled on the census date/the last day to receive a 100 percent refund. Refer to the academic calendar for census date.


  • Example A: Lucy enrolls in a total of 12 credits. At the beginning of the semester, she attends nine of her 12 credits. Later in the semester, she begins to attend her other three-credit class. This moves her from three-quarter time to full-time enrollment status. She receives her additional Pell disbursement one to two weeks after starting the course.
  • Example B: Arnold enrolls in a total of 12 credits. At the beginning of the semester, he attends nine of his 12 credits. A month into school, he starts a one-credit P.E. course. He does not receive an additional disbursement because he is still at three-quarter time status with 10 active credits. Two months from the time school starts, Arnold begins attending his last two credits. He receives a disbursement one to two weeks after starting the course.