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2.01.02 Responsibilities and Duties

Policy Title: Responsibilities and Duties

Impact: Board of Trustees

Responsibility: Administration

Effective Date: 1/30/2002

Last Update:  4/24/2024

Relates to Procedure(s):

Legal Citation(s): Idaho Code 33-2106, 33-2107, 33-2109

I. Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the board are as follows:

A. Statutory Responsibilities (33-2106):

      • To elect the chair, vice-chair, secretary, and treasurer as officers for the College Board, and, at its option, select a Board trustee as a member of the Board of directors of the 欧美性爱片 Foundation.

B. Statutory Responsibilities (33-2107):

  1. To adopt policies and regulations for its own government and the government of the College;
  2. To employ legal counsel and other professional and nonprofessional persons, and to prescribe their qualifications;
  3. To acquire and hold, and to dispose of, real and personal property, and to construct, repair, remodel and remove buildings in the manner prescribed for trustees of school districts pursuant to sections 33-301 and 33-601, Idaho Code;
  4. To contract for the acquisition, purchase or repair of buildings in the manner prescribed for trustees of school districts pursuant to section 33-601, Idaho Code;
  5. To issue general obligation or revenue bonds in the manner now, or as may be, prescribed by law;
  6. To convey and transfer real property of the district upon which no College buildings used for instruction are situated, to nonprofit corporations, school districts, junior college housing commissions, counties or municipalities, with or without consideration; to rent real or personal property for the use of the College, its students or faculty, for such terms as may be determined by the Board of Trustees; to lease real property of the district not actually in use for College instructional purposes for such terms as may be determined by the Board; and to lease real property and improvements to the Idaho state building authority, for a term not to exceed fifty (50) years, with or without consideration, and to enter into agreements with the Idaho state building authority for the Idaho state building authority to provide a facility, pursuant to section 67-6410, Idaho Code;
  7. To acquire, hold and dispose of water rights;
  8. To accept grants or gifts of money, materials or property of any kind from any governmental agency, or from any person, firm or association, on such terms as may be determined by the granter;
  9. To cooperate with any governmental agency, or any person, firm or association in the conduct of any educational program; to accept grants from any source for the conduct of such program; and to conduct such program on, or off, campus;
  10. To invest any funds of the district in such securities, and apply the interest or profits from such investment, as prescribed for the investment of the funds, and the application of the interest or profits, in the case of school district boards of trustees.

C. Statutory Responsibilities (33-2109):

  1. To select, appoint, and evaluate the president of the College who shall be responsible for the general administration and the implementation of Board policies in the on-going operations of the College. To establish a compensation package for the president.
  2. To approve annual budgets, which includes setting tuition and fees and establishing the property millage levy rate.
  3. To make final decisions regarding awarding tenure based on established policy and procedure, with the final recommendation of the president.
  4. To review and approve all salary schedules annually.
  5. To engage in and approve long-range facilities planning for campus site utilization, physical plant development, and further educational needs.

D. Board Policy Requirements

  1. To require and consider reports from the president concerning the programs and condition of the College.
  2. To consider and act on the recommendations of the president in all matters of College policy advanced through the shared governance processes of the College. (Policy 2.01.04)
  3. To provide for the establishment of the necessary procedures to assure proper accounting of receipts and disbursements of district funds, and those of student organizations, and other funds under the supervision of the district. (Policy 2.03.02)
  4. To provide for and review the annual audit of all funds of the district, student organizations, and other funds handled under the supervision of the district. (Policy 2.03.02)
  5. To consider communications and requests from citizens or organizations on matters of policy related to internal Board governance. If there are communications and requests regarding the implementation of other College policies, they should be referred to the President for consideration and response. (Policy 2.02.01)


Board Chair

The duties of the Board chair shall be to:

  1. Chair all Board of Trustees meetings.
  2. Assist other Trustees and the College president in preparing agendas for monthly Board of Trustees meetings.
  3. Call special meetings as necessary.
  4. Communicate on behalf of the Board as the official voice of the Trustees when conditions warrant.
  5. Provide for evaluation of the College president as defined by Board policy.
  6. Approve Presidential expenses and other approved Board expenses such as monthly attorney fees or meeting expenses.
  7. Periodically consult with Board members on their roles and their performance as defined by Board policy.
  8. Assist the College president in conducting new trustee orientations.
  9. Convene the Board self-evaluation session as defined by Board policy.
  10. Delegate duties as needed to other Board members

Vice Chair

The duties of the vice chair shall be to:

  1. Understand the responsibilities of the chair and be able to perform those duties upon absence of the chair.
  2. Carry out special assignments as requested by the chair.


The duties of the secretary/treasurer shall be to:

  1. Make determination as to which documents routinely become part of the Board archives and verify that they are maintained.
  2. Receive the annual audit on behalf of the Board of Trustees and answer Board members’ questions about the audit.

Liaison to the 欧美性爱片 Foundation

The duties of the liaison to the NIC Foundation shall be to:

  1. Represent the interest of the Board of Trustees at all 欧美性爱片 Foundation meetings and serve as the conduit for information between the foundation and the Board of Trustees.

Board Clerk

The Board Clerk, who is appointed by the President, will ensure that the agenda and other materials for Board meetings and committee meetings are prepared. The Board Clerk will assist the Board Chairperson and Trustees in the performance of their duties. In addition, the Board Clerk will perform the necessary clerical duties for the Board of Trustees, to include but not limited to providing help with correspondence, file and maintain the Board Policy Manual, contact Trustees concerning meetings, communicate announcements of meetings, and assist with Board travel arrangements. The Board Clerk or an appointed representative is expected to make arrangements for and attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees.

III. Standards of Good Practice

In support of effective community college governance, the Board of Trustees believes:

That it derives its authority from and is accountable to, the community and that it must always act as an advocate on behalf of the entire community,

That it must clearly define and articulate its role.

That it is responsible for creating and maintaining a spirit of true cooperation and a mutually supportive relationship with its CEO.

That it always strives to differentiate between external and internal processes in the exercise of its authority.

That its trustee members should engage in a regular and ongoing process of in-service training and continuous improvement, and regular evaluation.

That its trustee members come to each meeting prepared and ready to debate issues fully and openly.

That its trustee members vote their conscience and support the decision or policy made;

That its behavior, and that of its members, exemplifies the principles of ethical behavior and conduct that is above reproach;

That it endeavors to remain always accountable to the community;

That it honestly and respectfully debates issues affecting its community, and speaks with one voice once a decision or policy is made.

That it provides overall direction to the College by setting policy while allowing the president the authority to provide daily administration of said policies. (Policy 2.02.01)