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Campus Security

The personal safety and security of students, staff, and visitors and the protection of property are high priorities at 欧美性爱片.

This information is provided to you as part of 欧美性爱片's commitment to safety and security and in compliance with the Federal Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990.

Creating and maintaining a healthy and safe campus environment requires the cooperation and involvement of everyone. All students, faculty, staff, and visitors must assume responsibility for their personal health and safety and the security of their personal belongings. Our institution is safer than most places, but it's not crime free. Theft, assaults, and other violations of the law sometimes occur at 欧美性爱片. A truly safe campus can be achieved only through awareness, shared knowledge and the cooperation of all students, faculty and staff.

The Student-Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act

Congress enacted The Student-Right-To- Know and Campus Security Act in 1990 as Public Law 101-542. It came about through the efforts of several families whose children were murdered on college campuses in the late 1980s. This law requires institutions of higher education which participate in federal programs to publish campus security information and crime statistics. At a minimum, this information is to include statistics for six crime categories for the three most recent calendar years, three arrest categories for the most recent years and statements of security policies. The law was most recently amended in 2000 to require colleges in 2003 to notify the campus community as to where public "Meagan's Law" information about registered sex offenders on campus could be obtained. This information may be obtained  or at the NIC Campus Security Office. For further information concerning these laws, NIC crime statistics, or security policies, contact the Campus Security Office.


Student Services is the administrative unit responsible for campus security, security policies and procedures, and campus security officers. Officers are professionally trained in public safety methods and provide proactive patrol of the campus on foot, by car and bicycle. Their authority is limited to the geographical boundaries of NIC's properties including land, structures, streets and parking facilities.

NIC security officers are equipped with Taser electronic controlled weapons. To carry these non-lethal weapons, officers complete training through the Coeur d'Alene Police Department, Spokane County Sheriff’s Dept. and/or by certified instructors with Campus Security. Even though security officers are not sworn peace officers, they are authorized to make citizen's arrests when necessary, as granted by Idaho Statute 19-604 and are responsible for enforcement of college rules and regulations and applicable federal, state, city and county laws and ordinances on all college properties.

欧美性爱片 in addition to security officers provides a School Resource Officer (SRO) on the staff. The SRO can be contacted by calling (208) 769-3310. The SRO is an armed member of the Coeur d’Alene Police Dept. who is assigned to NIC and is a sworn law enforcement officer. The NIC SRO can investigate crimes that not only occur on the campus, but also the public areas adjacent to the campus, as well as crimes that have both an off and on campus component (stalking, domestic/dating violence, hate crimes, etc.)

Campus Security works closely with the Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls, Rathdrum Police and Kootenai Co. Sheriff’s Office to assist in safeguarding the campus communities. City and County law enforcement officers patrol the public streets on campus and adjoining area.

NIC Campus Security is a participating member of the Western Association of Campus Law Enforcement. In addition, campus security coordinates various safety and security programs and is responsible for preparation and distribution of the Annual Safety and Security Report.

NIC security officers provide building and grounds security 24 hours a day, seven days per week.

Campus Safety and Security